Michael Weisser - Author
I went on a Freedom Ride to integrate a Delaware lunch counter on U.S. Route in 1958. Since then I have been involved in every progressive advocacy campaign - anti-war, gender equality, sexual orientation, gun violence, the whole bit. In the meantime I also was a tenured college professor, then a financial consultant in private placement and venture, then a VP of IT at a Fortune 100 company. I have been published by The University of Chicago Press and Basic Books and own Trademark #5,656,879 as Mike The Gun Guy.

Hannah Spencer - Graphics & Design
Hannah is as good as it gets with all those tricky Adobe apps. She does my graphics and if you want, she'll design some custome jewelry for you too.

Carolyn Goldstein - Editorial Listener
Carolyn received Honorable Mention in a flower arranging contest at the Bronx Botanical Garden in 1954. She has to listen to what I write because she happens to be my wife. She's also Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at a teaching hospital so she has to go to work most days. I can sit home and write.

Leonard Mermelstein - Administrative Assistant
Leonard is an all-around assistant with specific accountabilities, including chasing mice and peeing in the toilet bowl. He's the TeeTee.